A fews weeks ago, I mentioned that there’s a disease in internet marketing.
It infects nearly every supplement business that sells online.
This disease leaks profits, it increases your CPA, and ultimately handicaps your business.
This disease is called:
The ONE bottle buyer.
When I shared the Even Bottle Strategy, the goal was simple, completely eliminate the possibility of having a one bottle buyer by doubling up the front end.
But with the IG pop-up we took a different approach.
But before we get there, I want you to know this:
The IG pop has nothing to do with instagram…
But it will squirt the same amount of dopamine in your prospects brains, and get customers addicted to buying a crap ton from you so you can maximize your day 0 profits.
Turning a 1 bottle buyer into 3+ bottles
Wiyh the even bottle strategy, we targeted the entire purchase.
With the IG pop up, we laser targeted and focused on just the one bottle buyers.
And the way we did it was very unique!
In a typical funnel, when people buy one bottle of your supplement, the only opportunity they have to upgrade their order and becoem a multi bottle buyer is either on the chekout page with an order bump (which is rare and tends to bomb)…
Or in the upsell/downsell flow.
So what we did with the IG pop – was take that back end upgrade opporuntiy…
And bring it right to the front.
Here’s what that looks like.
The IG Pop Up
When someone clicks the buy now button on the one bottle option, they get pitched the IG pop up: Instant Upgrade.
Here’s how it looks in a typical direct response TSL/VSL funnel:

In this IG pop up, we offer a second bottle for the same price as the frist bottle, and a third bottle for free, as our way of saying thank you.
And here’s how it looks like in our typical Ecom supplement funnel:

In this IG pop, we offer a bigger and better deal from the original.
The Results
In the direct response funnel, we tested the before and after, and the results are clear:
We turned 40% of one bottle buyers into 2.5 bottle buyers, again just from adding the IG pop up.
In the Ecomm funnel, we had about 50% of people take the IG pop up.
Yes, that means that 50% of people are paying us 2x as much money on the FE ($98 vs $49)…
Again, just from adding this pop up.
Pour Conclure
There’s never one single way to beat your control.
But by hyper-focusing on increasing the main levers in your funnel, increaseing CVR and AOV, and really looking at the weakpoitns in a funnel – aka 1 bottle buyers –
You can make it easy to not only find new types of split tests, but get ones that actually move the needle for you, and flood your bank account.