July 15, 2021
I’m sitting with my performance coach Brent Charleton at small thai restaurant in Austin…
It was day 2 of my first 4 day intensive with him.
Brent got up to go to the bathroom.
As I sat there alone, I reflected on the past 2 days.
And the previous 26.5 years of my life…
And a simple, vicious, truth popped into my mind…
One that I did not want to face, but that I needed to if I was ever going to get to the next level.
It was the realization, that at 26 years old:
“I had foreclosed on life”
I was going through the motions, using work as a drug to avoid the life I hated.
And even that drug was starting to wear off.
I broke down in tears, for the first time in my life, accepting the truth…
And even though it was one of the hardest things in my life to do…
To face yourself in the mirror and realize,
“fvck, I don’t really like myself”
It was one of the most enlightening moments of my life…
Because it was the first time I began to CORRECT my first success block.
And in the process operate at a level I never thought possible…
While (i know this is a hard one to swallow) being a little happy during the process.
In the 18 months since beginning corrections with Brent…
- I broke up with my 6 year toxic girlfriend (who I was going to marry) and am dating a gorgeous, kind Venezuelan model
- Travelled the world, living full-time in penthouses and beach front condos in Florida, Costa Rica, and Colombia
- Hit #1 Amazon Bestseller in 3 different categories
- Asked to work with celebrities like Jordan Belfort and the Think & Grow Rich Company
- Stopped copywriting and became what I really am – an entrepreneur
- Launched 3 profitable DTC companies, 1 mastermind, and received equity in one SEO business totalling over 500k/mo
- Cured my right arm from beign numb overnight with 1 correction (doctor’s told me this was impossible)
- Spoken on some of the biggest stages in the marketing world
- And on track to hitting my goal of selling my company for 100M by 2025
And that’s just the tip of the ice berg.
Many people who knew Pre-Brent are shocked at the change.
Because I’m no longer that person.
Because that person was a character I was playing.
A character that was developed by bullshit societal, parental, and trauma imprints.
A character that was needed to survive. But not designed to thrive.
The character deisgned to thrive was always there, buried in blocks.
And as Brent began to correct these blocks in me, the real Peter emerged.
My real “millioniare DNA” was unlocked.
Brent and his work is my highest recommendation…
And everyone who wants to hit their financial, health, dating, and happiness goals needs to work with him.
His normal rate is $100-125k per year… (yes, that’s how much I pay him)
Which is out of most people’s budget.
However, as I’m sure you know by all the other marketers emailing you, Brent just launched his course…

It’s his 20 years of experience working with the higest level entrepreneurs, celebrietes, marketers, and gamechangers…
For less than 10% of the cost of his private coaching.
I’m sure you’ve seen Ian Stanley , Dan Ferrari, Justin Goff, and Mike Abramov promote his stuff…
And why you should buy through their link.
I’m not here to convice you to buy through mine.
In fact, I don’t care where you buy it.
All I care is that you actually BUY the course.
Because it will change your life destiny..
Click here to learn more about Brent’s Correction Method Course
P.s. You know how little I promote people’s work (in fact i’ve promoted 2 people in the entire history BYC)
So when I do, you know it’s a damn good product…
Because unlike other marketers, I don’t make my living only from my email list or masterminds.
I make my money from actually DOING the work and building internet businesses.
And that’s only been possible because of Brent’s corrections.
He really did save my life.
And I hope that his work can impact yours the way it has mine.
Click here to learn more about Brent’s Correction Method Course